Sarawak Tourism Board reaffirms its commitment towards being an agile, transparent organisation

Abdul Karim (centre) launching STB’s OACP and CRM plan together with STB chairman Dennis Ngau (second left), Assistant Minister of Creative Industry and Performing Arts Datuk Snowdan Lawan (second right), Sharzede (right), and Salmah Jobeli (left) who is representing Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts permanent secretary Hii Chang Kee.

KUCHING, Jan 24: Sarawak Tourism Board (STB) unveiled its Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan (OACP) and Corruption Risk Management (CRM) plan, reaffirming its commitment towards being an agile and transparent organisation practising a high level of corporate governance.

According to STB in a statement today, Tourism, Creative Industry, and Performing Arts Minister Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah said a clean business environment would help develop the country’s economy and paint a better future.

“The tourism industry is essential to Sarawak’s economy as it is one of the main contributors to the State’s economic growth.


“This is crucial for our State to be able to entice investors to have joint ventures and form strategic partnerships in developing the Sarawak tourism industry,” he said

Meanwhile, STB chief executive officer Sharzede Salleh Askor said the launch of STB’s OACP and CRM plans and the signing of the pledge today marks a significant milestone as it reaffirms STB’s steadfast resolve in reinventing itself into a high-performance entity, free from corrupt practices and abuse of power.

She pointed out it sets the tone in promoting integrity and good governance at all levels, ensuring that we stay on course towards realising STB goals for the state of Sarawak and its people, leading to shared prosperity for all.

“STB is committed to the highest level of integrity, transparency and good governance in the conduct of its operations.

“The event today reiterates our fight against all forms of corruption at all levels, as we believe it is the collective duty and responsibility of all members of society, particularly those serving in government agencies, to achieve a nation free from all forms of corruption and abuse of power,” she added.

The OACP and CRM plans were launched with the pledge ceremony, where STB signed the Declaration of Corruption-Free Pledge with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

The OACP is a five-year plan aimed at strengthening governance, integrity, and anti-corruption controls and reflects the stance and the spirit of STB’s top management in improving the integrity and effectiveness of the organisation’s governance in line with the government’s call to make it mandatory for statutory bodies to develop their respective OACP.

The CRM is a management process that helps in corruption prevention initiatives. CRM works to identify structural weaknesses in an organisation that may facilitate corruption, provides a risk-based framework for all employees to identify the risk factors and treatments, and embeds corruption prevention within a well-established governance framework. — DayakDaily
