Sarawak to enhance ports, sea and air connectivity

Abang Johari (seated front centre) chairing the Sarawak Economic Action Council (SEAC) meeting today. Photo Credit: Chief Minister’s Office.

By Adrian Lim

KUCHING, June 25: The state government will expand and improve its ports, sea and air connectivity.

Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg believed that enhancing the infrastructure and connectivity are important to boost the state’s economic growth as well as export.


“To be an export-oriented economy, Sarawak needs to be connected seamlessly to the world.

“We will expand and improve the efficiency of our ports as well as sea and air connectivity.

“We will have full coverage of water and electricity.

“There will be road connectivity to strategic economic centres and an integrated transport system.

“We will also establish the coastal road fibre network, besides the Pan-Borneo Highway and data centres as our information, communication and technology (ICT) backbone,” he said these in his text of speech when chairing the first Sarawak Economic Action Council (SEAC) meeting at Wisma Bapa Malaysia’s conference room here today.

Abang Johari, who is Finance and Economic Planning Minister, revealed that improving the infrastructure and connectivity are part of the five key levers to be adopted by the state government to fulfil its aspirations of becoming a high income and advanced state by 2030.

He asserted that other key levers include regulatory framework and policies, inter-agency alignment, data and innovation and skills and entrepreneurship.

Abang Johari is confident that with careful planning and hard work, Sarawak will become a thriving society driven by data and innovation whereby everyone enjoys economic prosperity, social inclusivity and a sustainable environment by 2030.

Hence, he urges all council members of the SEAC to work together by contributing their insights and knowledge to develop Sarawak for a better future.

He believed their collaboration and ideas are important to lay the foundation needed for Sarawak and its people to start moving towards the 2030 Sarawak vision.

Among those attending the SEAC meeting were Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, Deputy Chief Minister II Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing, Deputy Chief Minister III Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan, cabinet ministers and State Secretary Datuk Amar Jaul Samion and SEAC members. —DayakDaily
