Sarawak on track to achieve 70 pct HPV screening coverage for women aged 30–65 by 2030

Dr Sim speaking to reporters during the press conference following the opening ceremony for the ‘Practice of Gynaecologic Pathology and Cytopathology 2024’ conference at a hotel in Kuching on Feb 19, 2024.

By Ashley Sim

KUCHING, Feb 19: Sarawak aims to achieve 70 per cent human papillomavirus (HPV) screening coverage for women aged 30 to 65 by 2030.

According to Deputy Premier of Sarawak Datuk Amar Dr Sim Kui Hian, who is also Minister for Public Health, Housing, and Local Government (MPHLG), the target will only be achieved through the voluntary participation of women to get tested.


He also stated that cervical cancer is the third most common cancer in women in the country.

“We want (Sarawak) to be the first place in Malaysia to eradicate cervical cancer.

“How can we eradicate cervical cancer? First, ensure that all young women receive the HPV vaccination.

“Second, undergo screening, where we previously used the pap smear method and are now switching to the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, which is more accurate,” Dr Sim told reporters during a press conference following the opening ceremony for the ‘Practice of Gynaecologic Pathology and Cytopathology 2024’ conference today at a hotel here.

He further noted that the State was working with the Federal Women, Family, and Community Development Ministry to increase screening, with facilities available at public hospitals and health clinics.

“We need to screen approximately 10,000 women per month. We try to provide the facilities, but we want Sarawakian women to take care of themselves and come in for screening,” Dr Sim said.

Meanwhile, State pathologist Dr Adam Malik Ismail stated that Sarawak has a population of 2.9 million, of which 1.2 million are women.

He added that of Sarawak’s 1.2 million women, approximately 1.02 million are of reproductive age, ranging from 30 to 65-years-old.

“So, according to national policy, we aim to screen at least 70 per cent of this reproductive age group by 2030.

“We are now actively collaborating with the State Health Department and the National Population and Family Development Board (LPPKN) to help us improve the test kit for HPV.

“Actually, we are on the right track to achieve this national target,” Dr Adam highlighted. — DayakDaily
