Sarawak NGO on M’sia hosting injured Palestinians: Charity begins at home, prioritise own people first

Francis Paul Siah

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, Aug 20: When it comes to accepting refugees into Sarawak, Movement For Change Sarawak (MoCS) leader Francis Paul Siah believes that charity should begin at home.

Siah said this in response to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s move to bring injured Palestinians from Gaza to receive medical treatment in Malaysia.


In his press statement, Siah said if Anwar wants to take Palestinian refugees into the country, the decision should not be forced onto Sarawak to accommodate them.

“The Middle East conflict has nothing to do with us in Sarawak. If two tribes 8000km away cannot get along and are bent on killing each other with no intention to make peace for decades, we say good luck to them. Let us not be busybodies and poke our noses into the affairs of others,” he said.

Siah went on to say that if Malaysia wants to help, they should play the role of peacemaker and assist in finding solutions instead of taking sides, which he said makes them part of the problem.

He also elaborated that it is a contradiction for Malaysia to call for a ceasefire while Anwar has declared the country’s support to Hamas—adding that Malaysia should have called for a ceasefire at the very beginning.

“I’m also not sure that sending our troops for peacekeeping duties at this stage is a good idea, especially after Malaysia has earned the wrath of powerful allies connected with the conflict.

“I hope our defence ministry will skip the peacekeeping effort but assist the victims of war in other ways,” he said.

Meanwhile, Siah expressed praise to activist Peter John Jaban for calling on the government to properly vet asylum seekers from Palestine to ensure that militant and radical elements are not allowed entry.

He also praised Works Minister Alexander Nanta Linggi, who opposed allowing Palestinian refugees into Sarawak, saying that the State should focus on socio-economic development and prioritise the needs of its own population.

“Indeed, the Sarawak government should safeguard its autonomy over immigration control,” said Siah.

Siah further clarified that his words extend to all refugees, not just from Palestine, and added that Sarawak does not have a camp for refugees.

“It’s not that we, Sarawakians, are not compassionate to those who are suffering, but I think we are only being sensible and realistic.

“Sarawak has its fair share of the needy and destitute, and we believe that charity should begin at home,” he said.

Recently, Anwar faced criticism due to the government’s move to bring injured Palestinians from Gaza to receive medical treatment in Malaysia.

Last Friday (Aug 16), 127 Palestinians, including 41 injured, arrived in Malaysia in two Royal Malaysia Air Force (RMAF) aircraft from Cairo, Egypt, and arrived at the Subang Air Force base. — DayakDaily
