Sarawak leaders mourn death of Senate president Mutang Tagal

Clockwise from top left: Tiong, Ibrahim, Chukpai and Dennis convey their condolences on the death of Datuk Mutang Tagal (centre).

By Shikin Louis

KUCHING, May 10: Sarawak leaders expressed their sorrow and sadness following the death of Dewan Negara president Datuk Mutang Tagal today.

He drew his last breath at 11.46am at the National Heart Institute (IJN) in Kuala Lumpur this morning. He was 70.


Mutang, the first Dayak of Lun Bawang ethnicity to hold the office of Senate president, was only sworn in on Feb 19 this year.

Many described his passing as a great loss to Sarawak, the nation, and especially the Orang Ulu community.

Dato Sri Tiong King Sing. Photo credit: MOTAC

Malaysian Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Dato Seri Tiong King Sing
ā€œHe is a great political figure and leader, adored, and has the strength to fight for the people, especially Sarawakians, in developing Sarawak.

ā€œPersonally, I was deeply affected by the news of YB Datuk Mutang Tagalā€™s death. His services and contributions to the community will surely be remembered forever.ā€

Dennis Ngau

Telang Usan assemblyman Dato Dennis Ngau
ā€œThe late Datuk Mutang is a loyal person, be it as a Christian where he was actively involved in church activities and in politics where he stayed loyal with the then Barisan Nasional (BN) party despite not given any position in the government and not renominated to stand in Bukit Mas seat (now renamed as Lawas).

ā€œAs a veteran in politics, sometimes I went to seek his advice. Although every advice was short, they were all very precise and compact.ā€

Ibrahim Baki

Satok assemblyman Dato Ibrahim Baki
ā€œThe late Datuk Mutang was a fellow lawyer, and when he graduated from college, he was elected as the MP for Bukit Mas at the age of 27 in 1982 and was re-elected in 1986. Following that, he became a corporate figure and was involved in many associations, contributing his experience and expertise.

ā€œHe made history by becoming the first Dayak Senate President, being appointed in February this year. He was a true Anak Sarawak and a proud Lun Bawang. His passing is a big loss to the nation, Sarawak, the legal fraternity and the business community. May his soul rest in peace.ā€

Kennedy Chukpai Ugon – file pic

Murum assemblyman Kennedy Chukpai Ugon
ā€œMy condolences to the family of the late Datuk Mutang, who left us today (May 10). Indeed, all Sarawakians are also saddened by his passing. Let us pray that God gives strength and perseverance to the family he left behind, and may God ease everything.ā€

ā€” DayakDaily
