Sarawak DUN sitting to commence on Valentine’s Day, Chap Goh Mei

Asfia (centre) flanked by Idris (left) and Pele at the press conference.

KUCHING, Feb 12: The First Session of the First Term of the 19th Sarawak State Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting falls on two festive celebrations — Valentine’s Day and Chap Goh Mei.

DUN Speaker Datuk Amar Mohd Asfia Awang Nassar today said the Sarawak government has decided that the first DUN sitting will only be held for three days from Feb 14 to 16.

He said this was to meet the requirements as stipulated in Article 21(4) of the Sarawak State Constitution, where the new DUN shall be called to meet on a date not later than 120 days from the date of dissolution.


“Therefore, there is no opening ceremony for this conference by His Excellency Yang Di-Pertua Negeri Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud.

“However, the inauguration ceremony by Yang Di-Pertua Negeri will be held later on a date to be determined by the State government,” he said at a press conference held at the DUN complex today.

Asfia further informed that the DUN sitting would begin with the Oath Taking Ceremony of State Assemblymen on the first day.

All 82 Honorable Members are invited to attend with their spouses on that day.

He also stressed that there would be no question and answer session in the House and no winding-up session by the ministers.

However, there are five Government Bills to be tabled by the ministers.

They are the Supplementary Supply (2021) Bill, 2022, which will be tabled by Second Finance Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas; Constitution of the State of Sarawak (Amendment) Bill, 2022 by Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts Minister Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah; Interpretation (Amendment) Bill, 2022 by Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department (Law, MA63 and State-Federal Relations) Datuk Sharifah Hasidah Syeed Aman Ghazali; as well as Sago and Nipah Development Board Bill, 2022 and Sarawak Rubber Industry Board Bill, 2022 by Modernisation of Agriculture and Regional Development Minister Dato Sri Dr Stephen Rundi Utom.

“For Motions from DUN members under Standing Order 23, until the closing date for submission of motions (10 days before the sitting begins) which is on Friday, Feb 4, 2022, the DUN has not received any motions,” he added.

Also present at the press conference were Deputy Speaker Datuk Idris Buang and Sarawak DUN secretary Pele Peter Tinggom. — DayakDaily
