Sarawak DAP chief backs urgent upgrade request for Kuching International Airport

Chong Chieng Jen

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, April 19: Sarawak Democratic Action Party (DAP) chief Chong Chieng Jen is willing to facilitate discussions with the Federal Minister of Transport (MOT) on Sarawak Minister of Tourism, Creative Industry, and Performing Arts Dato Sri Abdul Krim Rahman Hamzah’s request to upgrade Kuching International Airport (KIA).

In a statement today, Chong, who is also Stampin MP, concurred that airports serve as the gateway to any tourist destination, forming the crucial first impression for visitors.


“I fully agree with Abdul Karim that KIA need a major upgrade of the facilities to be on par, if not better, than all other international airports in the country,” he said.

Chong emphasised that with Sarawak set to host numerous major international events in the coming months, it is imperative that KIA’s facilities receive immediate upgrades to ensure a positive first impression for tourists and visitors to the State.

“Given the rapid growth in tourist arrivals, it is also timely that KIA needs to be extended to cater to the expected increase in our tourist arrivals,” he opined. 

Chong lamented the last time that KIA had a major extension and upgrading work was in the year 2003, which was 20 years ago. 

He further highlighted the manifold increase in tourist arrivals since then, justifying the need for a second significant extension and upgrade for KIA.

In addition to advocating for the enhancement of existing facilities, Chong pledged to urge the MOT to allocate capital expenditure for the expansion of KIA.

“We hope the MOT will prioritise the upgrading and expansion of KIA,” he concluded. — DayakDaily
