Sarawak Covid-19 update: 22 more cases confirmed, one fatality in Kuching

Covid-19 statistics in Sarawak as of April 21, 2020.

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, April 21: Sarawak recorded one Covid-19 fatality and 22 more positive cases today.

State Disaster Management Committee chairman Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas disclosed that the 15th fatality in the state involved a 69-year-old man who did not have history of close contact with any Covid-19 patients identified in the state so far.


“He fell sick on April 3 and was admitted to the Sarawak General Hospital (SGH) on April 6.

“His sample tested positive on April 7. He was comorbid and passed on at 2.28am today (April 21),” he revealed during a daily press conference to provide updates on the Covid-19 situation in the state today.

As for the new positive cases which were all being treated in SGH, Uggah said this brings the Covid-19 case tally in the state to 436 since the first case was detected on March 13.

Of the cases confirmed, he added that 137 were linked to the Kuching conference cluster, 95 from the Sri Petaling tabligh cluster, 59 from Family RK (Italy cluster), 57 from 17 sub-clusters, 10 from three small clusters with infection source yet to be determined, and 76 still under investigation (including 22 new cases).

“The rate of positive case incidents for 100,000 population today is at 13.7 per cent,” he said.

In addition, a drive-thru sampling facility has been set up at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas) to enable all casual contacts who have yet to be identified in Samarahan area to undergo tests.

Meanwhile, Sarawak also recorded 190 more persons-under-investigation (PUI) cases today and 191 cases are still awaiting laboratory test results.

As for new PUI cases according to district, 136 cases were recorded in Kuching, followed by Samarahan (16), Serian (16), Miri (12), Bau (4), two each in Lundu and Lubok Antu and one each in Tebedu and Bintulu.

Uggah also disclosed that there were 64 more Sarawakians returning to the state who have been checked into identified hotels as PUI to undergo compulsory a 14-day quarantine in Kuching, Miri, Bintulu and Limbang.

“This brings the total number of individuals undergoing quarantine to 1,270 at 17 hotels throughout Sarawak.

“A total of 288 individuals have completed their quarantine period and were allowed to go home,” he added.

While the Covid-19 situation in the state is still under control with 97 per cent compliance rate for Movement Control Order (MCO), he urged all Sarawakians to continue adhering to instructions issued by the state government to contain the spread of Covid-19. — DayakDaily
