Sabah police hunt 27yo man from Long Nahan, Baram after foiling major drug smuggling attempt

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By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, June 19: Sabah police are hunting a 27-year-old suspect from Long Nahan, Baram, after members of the General Operations Force (GOF) foiled an attempt to smuggle 4.072 kilogrammes of syabu, or methamphetamine from Tawau to Sarawak.

The car the drugs were found in was intercepted at the Sapi Nangoh Road Checkpoint (RCP) in Beluran, Sandakan, last Friday (June 14).


According to Bernama, Beluran District Police Chief Supt Hasan Majid reported that in the 11am incident, one of the two suspects tried to flee by speeding away in a grey Proton Saga car with the registration number SYR7763, while his 43-year-old accomplice was apprehended.

“Police are hunting the suspect identified as Justin Vau Langat, 27, with an address in Long Nahan Baram, Sarawak. He has prior records under the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 in Negeri Sembilan.

“Initial investigation revealed that the suspect had come here to collect the goods (syabu) and bring them back to Sarawak for distribution there,” he told a press conference yesterday (June 18).

During the incident, Hasan said the officers stopped the Proton Saga car with the two suspects inside, and while inspecting the vehicle, one of the suspects accompanied the officers before finding a black plastic bag.

“Suddenly the other suspect (Justin) accelerated the vehicle towards Jalan Telupid-Ranau. Further inspection into the black plastic uncovered an orange plastic bag containing four red plastic packets of Chinese tea.

“Each tea packet in question contains a package containing crystalline material suspected to be syabu, with an estimated street value of RM130,304,” he said.

The arrested suspect tested positive for drugs and has two previous drug-related criminal records. He is currently remanded for seven days to assist in the investigation under Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952.

The public is urged to provide any information by contacting Investigating Officer Inspector Mohd Solahuddin Mohamad at 019-9810144 or the Beluran District Police Headquarters at 089-5111222. — DayakDaily
