S4S turns to state govt to welcome Mission Rabies, after Putrajaya disapproves

Tan Kok Chiang

KUCHING, August 29: Sarawak for Sarawakians (S4S) has condemned the federal government for turning down an offer from international non-governmental organisation (NGO) Mission Rabies to help halt the spread of rabies in Sarawak.

In a statement, S4S Kuching spokesperson Tan Kok Chiang revealed that Sarawakians’ appeal for Mission Rabies’ help was rejected by Putrajaya with the reason “it was too troublesome”.

“People are tired of some political parties who are unreasonable in their decisions. The people have taken the initiative to ask for help from international organisations who are most willing to help, yet the federal government rejected the assistance.


“This shows that the politicians are oblivious to the safety of Sarawakians. They are only interested in spending their time making accusations and attacking their opponents on social media to fish for votes,” he said.

As the federal government seemed to be taking the lives of Sarawakians lightly, Tan urged the state government to accept Mission Rabies’ willingness to help by facilitating their entry into the state.

“S4S has recently been in touch with Sarawak Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA) and was pleased that the latter was most willing to handle the issue.

“We hope the Sarawak government will step in and make all arrangements for Mission Rabies to enter Sarawak to fight rabies,” said Tan. — DayakDaily
