Roti canai seller gets 9 years in jail after police find drugs in car

The accused has been sentenced to nine years in jail for her involvement in drugs.

MUKAH: A 41-year-old roti canai seller has been sentenced to nine years in jail by the Sessions Court yesterday after she pleaded guilty to being involved in drug activities.

The accused, Shaptuyah Aswart, 41, was charged under Section 39A (2) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952

The offence provides for an imprisonment of not less than 5 years and less than 10 strokes of the cane.


The charge was read before Judge Syarifuddin Abdul Rasa, who ordered her to serve the sentence at Sibu Prison.

According to the brief facts of the case, the accused on Oct 10, at around 5.45pm was arrested by a team of policemen from the Narcotics Criminal Investigation Division at Jalan Selangau-Bintulu on suspicion of being involved in drug activities.

Upon inspection of her vehicle, the police found and subsequently seized a black bag which contained 51.60 grammes of methamphetamine.

She was then arrested under Section 39B (1) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952. — DayakDaily
