Rh Samueh among five new rabies-infected areas

Rabies can be spread through animal bites. — DayakDaily.com file pic

SRI AMAN, July 13: Rh Samueh Adeng longhouse in Engkilili has been declared as the latest rabies-infected area in Sarawak.

According to Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, Rh Samueh was among five other localities declared as rabies-infected areas.

This including Kpg Seroban and Kpg Siantan at Jalan Tangga bypass in Serian, Kin Chu Shin in Batu Kawa, Tanjung Durian in Siniawan, Bau, and Kesuma Resort in Petra Jaya.


“Between July 5 to 12, the state veterinary services laboratory conducted test on 14 samples coming from Kuching, Serian, Bintulu, Kapit and Sri Aman divisions.

“Six samples that come from the five areas including Rh Samueh were tested positive of rabies. Samples taken from Bintulu and Kapit were negative,” he said.

Uggah, who is also the State Disaster Management Committee chairman, has called on all dog owners to have their dogs vaccinated.

He revealed that the dog owner from Rh Samueh Adeng had refused to allow the vaccination team to vaccinate his dog last year.

“He hid his dog when the team from the state veterinary department came to the longhouse for vaccination operation, in fear that his dog would die if vaccinated,” he explained.

Uggah said that so far, no dogs that had been vaccinated was reported dead.

Apparently the dog from the longhouse had bitten a villager before, and therefore samples was taken from it, he continued

“The Phase 5 operation covering the Sri Aman, Lubok Antu and Betong will begin from July 31 to August 3. I appeal to all dog owners in these areas to have their dogs vaccinated.

“Please cooperate with us and bear in mind that rabies is a life threatening disease,” he said.

According to the state Veterinary Services director Dr Adrian Susin Ambud, a total of 63 areas have been declared as rabies-infected in the state since the outbreak in July 2017. — DayakDaily
