Rescue contractor appointed to revive RM77.88 mln ‘sick’ Sungai Passin-Matu road project

Safiee (in white shirt) in a photo with members of JKKKs after a ceremony to handover safety jackets from SRB at Kampung Sungai Passin on July 3, 3034.

By DayakDaily Team

DARO, July 4: A RM77.88 million project to construct a 19.3-kilometre-long Sungai Passin-Matu road has been revived with the appointment of a rescue contractor after experiencing delays.

The contract of the former contractor has been terminated, and Hong Seng Construction (EM) Sdn Bhd has been appointed to take over the “sick” project.


In a news report by Sarawak Public Communication Unit (Ukas), the completion date has been rescheduled to Dec 18, 2026.

Daro assemblyman Safiee Ahmad witnessed th symbolic handover of the project from the Public Works Department (JKR) Mukah to Hong Seng Construction during the Leaders with the People Ngiling Bidai Gawai 2024 ceremony at Kampung Sungai Pasin on Wednesday (July 3).

Shafiee also officiated a Community Gotong-Royong programme to clean the surroundings and riverbanks, as well as a River Safety and Cleanliness Programme organised by the Sarawak Rivers Board (SRB).

During the event, all Village Security and Development Committees (JKKKs), including SK Sungai Passin and Passin clinic, received safety jackets from SRB.

Safiee also presented Minor Rural Project (MRP) grants totalling RM57,000 to seven JKKKs, and the Parent and Teacher Associations of SK Sungai Passin and SK Kampung Sawai.

Among those present were Political secretary to Premier of Sarawak Romeo Christopher Tegong, SRB controller Lt Colonel Ding Tiew Wong (B) and Matu District acting district officer Zaraina Sahari. — DayakDaily
