Rajang Port Authority doubles profit after tax in FY2022

Salang (left) presenting the RPA performance book to Majang while Lim looks on.

SIBU, Jan 11: Rajang Port Authority (RPA) has registered 1,492,819 tonnes in cargo throughput in 2022, an increase of 5.77 per cent compared to 1,411,425 tonnes in the previous year.

“I hope Rajang Port Authority will continue to perform well and strive to exceed its customers’ expectations. It should also continue to prioritise serving its customers’ daily operational and administrative needs—both domestic and external,” said Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Port Development Datuk Majang Renggi at RPA’s annual dinner last night.

He noted RPA will be implementing its zoning project this year with the objective of effectively handling both containerised and general cargo.


At the same time, RPA has also committed to procure a mobile harbour crane and a straddle carrier this year.

“RPA is a riverine port which plays a very important and significant role in the movement and transportation of goods and cargo in the central region of Sarawak
I am pleased to note that RPA has been performing well in serving the business community in Sibu and other smaller towns in this region,” Majang added.

Meanwhile, RPA general manager, Datin Helen Lim said the port achieved a profit after tax of RM10 million for the 2022 financial year, compared to RM4.6 million in 2021.

Profit after tax in 2019 and 2020 totalled RM740,000 and RM2.2 million respectively.

“I am proud to announce that in the past five years, RPA’s total throughput has recorded average growth of 6.5 per cent annually. Even during the time of MCO in 2020, we have actually achieved not a decrease but increase in total throughput of 8.4 per cent in 2020 over that in 2019,” said Lim.

In terms of Twenty Equipment Units (TEUs), she said RPA has in the last five years recorded an average increase of 10 per cent annually.

RPA chairman Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum said he was pleased to see that the port over the last five years has been making a steady profit after tax in spite of challenging times, especially the last two years.

“Rajang Port Authority is over 50 years this year. Over the years, we have seen many changes, from development of its infrastructure, upgrading of its fleet of machineries, improvement in its system to the growth of its human capital,” he said.

Salang said the port’s commitment and dedication have also been recognised internationally when it was recently awarded several accolades including the Best Managed Riverine Port from Lang International Corporate Titan Awards and the Corporate Excellence Award from Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards, which had also awarded to the General Manager, the award of Master Entrepreneur .

“The GM also received an award in Excellence Leadership by the Asia Pacific Enterprise Noble Records Book of Legends Award,” he added. — DayakDaily
