Queen visits Brooke Gallery and Istana Negeri

The Queen, accompanied by Abdul Karim (back row, left) and others visiting the Brooke Gallery. Photos credit: Ukas

KUCHING, July 5: Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandriah visited the Brooke Gallery at Fort Margherita and Astana Negeri today.

On hand to welcome Her Majesty was Minister of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, Deputy State Secretary Datu Dr Sabariah Puti and Brooke Gallery manager Salliza Sideni.

According to the Sarawak Public Communication Unit (Ukas) in a news report, Her Majesty spent about an hour exploring the gallery which showcases the history of Sarawak under the Brooke Dynasty.


Her Majesty also visited the entire Astana Negeri as she was amazed by its beautiful architecture.

The Queen touring the Astana Negeri. Also seen is Abdul Karim (left).

Abdul Karim’s wife Datin Zuraini Abdul Jabbar, Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan’s wife Datin Amar Dayang Morliah Awang Daud, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sport Development Dato Gerald Rentap Jabu’s wife Datin Rosemarie Wong and private secretary to Head of State Datu Mustapa Han were among those present.

The Queen is in Kuching for a four-day visit in conjunction with the 13th Associated Country Women and the World (ACWW) Area Conference for Southeast Asia and the Far East which was held today.

Tomorrow, (July 6), Her Majesty will have a private session before departing for home on Thursday (July 7). — DayakDaily
