Queen officiates at ACWW Southeast Asia, Far East conference in Kuching

Raja Permaisuri Agong (seated centre) in a group photo with Raghad (on her right), Jumaani (on her left) and other notable women delegates at the 13th Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) Area Conference for South East Asia and The Far East held in Kuching today (July 5, 2022). Photo: Sarawak Information Department (JaPen)

By Ashley Sim

KUCHING, July 5: The 13th Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) Area Conference for Southeast Asia and the Far East was attended by 202 women delegates representing member and non-member societies from Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Malaysia involving the States of Pahang, Penang, Johor, Kelantan, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Sabah and Sarawak.

The conference, themed ‘Diversity is Our Strength’, was officiated by Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah today at a local hotel here.

Norjanah delivering her speech during the 13th Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) Area Conference for Southeast Asia and the Far East held at a local hotel here today (July 5, 2022). Photo credit: JaPen Sarawak

According to ACWW Southeast Asia and the Far East area president Norjanah Razali, the Sarawak Federation of Women’s Institutes (SFWI) has hosted the ACWW Area Conference for Southeast Asia and the Far East since 1964, two years after its establishment, noting that this year’s conference is the 5th ACWW Area conference that SFWI is hosting.

“The ACWW Area conferences are organised for women’s non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and community-based organisations (CBOs) in Southeast Asia and the Far East, with the goal of uncovering new learnings and sharing knowledge through plenary and educational visits, presenting information and findings through area meetings and society reports, and building networks and forming collaborations with women from within and outside the country.

“We are most happy that Her Majesty will grace the opening of our conference.

“This is indeed very meaningful and significant for women in Sarawak,” she said during her speech.

She disclosed that the 202 women delegates included 44 from the National Association of Women’s Institutes, Federation of Malaya (NAWIM), 41 from Pertubuhan Perkumpulan Perempuan (WI) Pahang, three from Sabah Women’s Organisation (PEWASA), eight from Pertubuhan Perkumpulan Perempuan (WI) Brunei, 11 from Regional Islamic Da’wah Council for Southeast Asia and the Pacific (RISEAP), one from Pan Pacific Southeast Asia Women’s Association (PPSEAWA), and 94 members and non-members of SFWI from Sarawak.

In addition, Norjanah pointed out that the SFWI-ACWW conferences highlighted significantly that women, irrespective of their localities or countries, could assist each other in the fields of education, environment, technology, societal advancement, and leadership positions.

Also present were the State Governor’s wife Toh Puan Datuk Patinggi Raghad Kurdi Taib who is also SFWI patron, the Premier of Sarawak’s wife Datuk Amar Jumaani Tuanku Bujang, the State Women, Early Childhood, and Community Wellbeing Development Minister Dato Sri Fatimah Abdullah, and ACWW world president Magdie de Kock. — DayakDaily
