Puncak Borneo MP urges Bidayuhs to send their kids to school

Willie and his wife spoon feed elders as a sign of respect during the event.

KUCHING, July 22: In this modern world there should not be any more excuses for Bidayuh children not to acquire a formal education.

According to Puncak Borneo MP Willie Mongin, Bidayuh children should strive to acquire the highest level of education while parents should not neglect their responsibility in sending their children to school.

“Education is the key to our success in life and as such I advise our children not to use poverty as an excuse not to go to school and parents mustn’t use the same excuse not to send their children to school,” he said, according to a statement.


Willie was speaking at a parent’s day event organised by Kampung Semadang Women’s Bureau at the village last night.

Thus, he called on all Bidayuh leaders including village heads and community leaders to join hands in helping to ensure those children whose families are poor could attend school.

Willie told parents in the Puncak Borneo constituency who have children accepted into universities to come to his service centre to apply for a one-off cash assistance of RM500 for degree students and RM300 those studying for their diploma.

For women wanting to do pap smears, he advised them to obtain the service at Nur Sejahtera Clinic free of charge.

He also advised residents of Puncak Borneo to come to his service centre to apply for their electricity bill rebate, saying that they can apply for a RM40 rebate for those whose incomes are under RM660 per month.

He said now there are already 1,700 enjoying the rebate.

At the function Willie approved a RM10,000 grant for Kampung Semadang Women’s Bureau for its activities. — DayakDaily
