Public urged to continue following SOPs even with Covid-19 cases declining

Lee (second left) hands over financial assistance to a recipient.

SIBU, Nov 9: With Covid-19 cases still present but on the downtrend, the people have been told to continue adhering to standard operating procedures (SOPs) so life may return to normal.

Transport minister Datuk Lee Kim Shin when speaking to reporters after presenting financial aid to boat operators under Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang (BKSS) 7.0 today that a new normal is not what people want due to a number of restrictions.

“Covid-19 cases are still there going down but though it is on the downtrend, we should continue to follow the SOP set by the Health Ministry and the State Disaster Management Committee. We need to continue working together to bring the cases further down so that the State economy can open up and our life can return to normal. We don’t want a new normal but a normal life, ” he said.


Lee also said with the State still under Phase 3 of the National Recovery Plan, it was necessary to bring cases to the lowest level for the State to enter Phase 4.

Thus, he urged the public to get their booster vaccine shot against the coronavirus.

He pointed out boat operators and passengers are also required to follow SOPs which include wearing facemasks, and observing social distancing.

On the coming State Election, Lee said a strong mandate for the ruling party is an indication of a stable government.

“If there is a strong mandate, the government can have better success in the implementation of development programmes. This is important as the rakyat want development and better income. There will also be more job opportunities and businesses can progress further,” he added.

In addition to that, a strong government, he emphasised, would help the State to achieve its aim of achieving high income status by 2030.

On the presentation of the RM500 one-off financial assistance today, he said it was to lessen the burden of the boat operators who were badly affected by the pandemic.

At the ceremony, a total of 10 boat operators from Region 2 which covers Sibu, Mukah, Kapit and Sarikei received the financial aid. — DayakDaily
