Public urged to be ‘eyes’ for authorities to prevent second Covid-19 wave

Voon (right) and Ali observe social distancing while dining in at one of the coffeshops in Padungan.

KUCHING, May 13: Political activist Voon Shiak Ni urges members of the public to be the eyes for authorities to ensure everyone complies with the standard operating procedures (SOP) enforced under Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) in order to prevent a second Covid-19 wave in Sarawak.

Pointing out that the Covid-19 pandemic is still a worrying concern, at least for the next few months, she emphasised that social responsibility is crucial to ensure no further spread of the coronavirus now that most economic sectors have resumed operations.

“With people going back to work, this will also increase the number of people and crowds in coffeeshops and shopping malls where social distancing can be difficult to observe unless everyone is keeping check of each other’s distance when queuing and moving around in public.


“Enforcement cannot do all the jobs to check on every markets, malls and businesses all the time,” she said in a statement today.

As such, Voon urged people to make reports including sending photos to alert the authorities like local councils if they see any parties or businesses fail to comply with the SOP especially social distancing rules.

“All of us should play our little roles to ensure that we do not go back to ‘staying at home’.

“As mentioned by the Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, a concerted effort in adhering to the guidelines and taking preventive measures in our daily activities are extremely crucial to enable the nation to win over Covid-19 and to prevent a second wave,” she added.

Voon, who is former Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) national women vice-chief, however commended the coffeeshops around the city here for complying with the SOP as they opened up for the first day yesterday (May 12) after two months of MCO to serve diners.

“Together with Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Ali Biju, we drove around town to see the situation and managed to have a coffee in one of the coffeeshops in Padungan.

“It was encouraging to see that the shop is clean and tables were place about two metres apart. The owner also advised us to sit at least one metre apart as they do not want to risk being caught for flouting the SOP. It is good to hear that from them,” she added.—DayakDaily
