Public invited as Sarawak Dayak leaders unite for Gawai Dayak open house at BCCK on June 1

Uggah (left) presenting a token of appreciation featuring local products to Abang Johari (centre) witnessed by other Sarawak Cabinet leaders during the Gawai Dayak open house at BCCK on June 1, 2023.

By DayakDaily Team

KUHCING, May 29: Dayak leaders in Sarawak will come together to host a Gawai Dayak Open House at Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK) on June 1, kicking off the festivities from 10am to 4pm.

Among the distinguished guests expected to attend are Sarawak Governor Tun Pehin Sri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jafaar and his wife Toh Puan Datin Seri Fauziah Mohd Sanusi, as well as Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg and his wife Datuk Amar Jumaani Tun Tuanku Bujang.


Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas extended a warm invitation to the public to partake in the joyous celebration marking the Harvest Festival.

In a brief message for Gawai Dayak, Uggah emphasised the importance of safe travel, advising those journeying back to their longhouses to stay mindful of weather conditions, especially in the event of rain which could lead to floods or landslides. He underscores the necessity of ensuring vehicles are in optimal condition for the journey.

“Drive carefully and prepare well including checking the weather condition before embarking on [the] journey home. Equally important, please make sure your vehicles are in top running condition,” he said in a statement today.

Uggah also announced that the Premier will be visiting Betong on June 5 for the Gawai Dayak ‘Ngabang’ event at Tan Sri Stephen Kalong Ningkan Sports Hall, commencing at 11am.

“This marks the Premier’s first Gawai Dayak visit to the division,” he added.

Anticipating a turnout of over 1,000 attendees from various constituencies across Sarawak, the gathering has scheduled cultural performances by local groups and other entertainment activities. — DayakDaily
