PRS Youth Serembu file police report over online threat against party president

PRS Youth Serembu members showing a copy of the police report.

KUCHING, July 25: Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) Youth Serembu lodged a police report against an individual who made a threat against its party president Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing on social media.

Reginald Ronnie Nyomek, 42, of PRS Serembu Youth made the police report at Bau Police station around noon today.

According to his statement, he came across the threat made by an individual against Masing who is also Deputy Chief Minister in a WhatsApp chat group called “Bidayuh Political Forum”.

Screenshot of the threat made in the WhatsApp group.

The individual had made the threat in Iban — “Mayuh Jako…munuoh aja Masing nyak kaban” or “Hey friend, no need to talk a lot…just kill Masing”.

Reginald lodged the police report so that a police investigation could be initiated against the individual who had made the statement. — DayakDaily
