PRS Youth questions Entulu’s capacity to bring development

Hendry Kanyan

By Peter Sibon

KUCHING, June 5: Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) Youth exco member Henry Kanyan claimed that former Selangau MP and former Tamin assemblyman Datuk Joseph Entulu Belaun had a failing memory.

He also described Entulu as a desperate politician who has not brought development to his people while he was a deputy federal minister and later as a full federal minister.


“So, Entulu has not only failed memory on his own doings but had also failed his community on development when he could have done it. From that point of history, the people in Selangau has every reason to reject him even if he is a ‘would be’ PSB (Parti Rakyat Bersatu) candidate in DUN Tamin (in the coming 12th Sarawak election),” said Henry in a statement.

Henry was responding to a statement by Entulu, which appeared in a local newspaper where Entulu described PRS president Tan Sri James Jemut Masing as “really amusing” after Masing criticised PSB president Datuk Seri Wong Soon Koh for being “flip-flop” with his decision on his party’s policy – whether to work with other opposition parties or otherwise.

“But first and foremost let it be known that he is now being used as a disguised weapon to split his own community in Tamin and Selangau constituencies,” said Henry.

He also said that prior to the last general election, Entulu had told his former party, PRS that he would not seek nomination.

“When he was not re-nominated, he held grudges by retaliating against the party’s decision,” added Henry.

Meanwhile, Henry also alleged that while Entulu was a federal minister, he did not bring the expected development, notably clean water, rural electrification and road access infrastructures to his constituency.

“Electricity supply to Rh Banyan and Rh Sawong, road access to Ulu Mukah/ Ulu Selangau/ Ulu Pakoh/ Bekikik failed to be delivered as promised although he was a deputy federal Minister of Rural Development then,” he said.

Henry also claimed that Entulu also failed to assist local youths to obtain jobs in the civil service when he was a member of Public Service Commission.—DayakDaily
