Provide one-off payment of RM500 to Sarawakians, SUPP urges state govt

Abang Johari (third right) and Dr Sim (second left) at the SUPP Convention 2020 officiating ceremony earlier today.

By Ling Hui

KUCHING, Oct 18: Sarawak United Peoples’ Party is proposing to the state government to release one-off payment of RM500 to all Sarawakians.

Its president Datuk Seri Dr Sim Kui Hian urges the Sarawak government to approve the one-off payments channeling from the additional revenue of 2019 State Sales Tax (SST) imposed on the state’s petroleum products.


“We ask the government to use the RM3.18 billion revenue collected from the 2019’s SST for the one-off payment of RM500 to all Sarawakians.

“Secondly, to set up a special trust fund for Human Resource Development to help our future generations in skill training, technology research and business development.

“Thirdly, to set up a Sarawakian Sovereign Fund to ensure that the future generations will continue to benefit from the oil and gas revenues even after the depletion of our oil and gas resources,” said Dr Sim during the closing of SUPP Convention 2020 at the party’s headquarters here today.

The requests of RM500 per Sarawakian and the setting up of a Sarawakian Sovereign Fund were among the six resolutions reached during SUPP 2020 Convention.

The convention was later closed by Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg.-DayakDaily
