Progress continues for development projects in Betong division

Uggah (centre in reflective vest) and other officers visiting the Spoah Sports Complex project site.

BETONG, June 16: The RM14 million Spaoh Sports Complex project has achieved 64.60 per cent work progress and is scheduled to be completed by March next year.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, in a media release today, said that the sports complex project will feature a grandstand, football field and a running track.

He noted that several development projects in the division including Betong Rural Produce Market and the Spaoh Waterfront projects have been affected by the Movement Control Order (MCO) which was enforced on March 18.


Uggah, who was accompanied by political secretary to the Chief Minister Dr Richard Rapu, Betong Division Resident Friday Belik and Betong District Council secretary Charlie Keling has visited the project sites over the past weekend.

He also had a meeting with Friday as well as heads of departments supervising the various projects’s implementation.

As for the RM6.4 million Spaoh Waterfront-cum-bank erosion mitigation project, he learnt that it was now 58.23 per cent completed and expected to be done by end of October this year.

The RM5 million Betong Rural Produce Market, on the other hand, has recorded 95 per cent completion and it is expected to be completed by September this year.

Uggah also visited Rh Anyai Manggi in Luban Ili (Spaoh) to see for himself the construction process of the 33-door longhouse.

There, he announced the approval of a government grant for RM99,000 under his minor rural project (MRP) and Poor Housing Upgrading Programme (PPRMS) to buy construction material.

According to Richard, since 2017, all 94 longhouses and many individual Chinese and Malay houses in Uggah’s Bukit Saban constituency have benefited from such allocation.

“We are now actually proceeding on our second round of such assistance from the government,” he said.

Uggah later also visited the construction of the drainage system at Kampung Pengan, the watergate project at Kampung Hilir and other rural transformation projects at Munggu Gerenis in Spaoh, Samu and in Rapong Debak.—DayakDaily

Uggah (in red shirt) discussing something with residents at Rh Anyai Manggi.
Uggah (centre) with Charlie and Richard (right) at the Betong Jungle Produce Market.
Uggah (right) inspecting the drainage system project at Kampung Pengan.