Premier, wife extend Hari Raya Aidilfitri visitations across Miri

Abang Johari (fourth left), Juma’ani (fourth right), Lee (first left), Dr Ripin (third left), Penguang (first right), and others during Dr Ripin’s Aidilfitri open house on April 15, 2024. Source: TVS/FB

By DayakDailt Team

KUCHING, April 15: Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg and his wife, Puan Sri Datuk Amar Juma’ani Tun Tuanku Bujang, are continuing their Hari Raya open house visits in Miri today.

According to a news report from TV Sarawak (TVS), Abang Johari and his wife started with a visit to Deputy Minister of Youth, Sports, and Entrepreneur Development Sarawak Dr Ripin Lamat’s Aidilfitri open house at his residence around 10.45am.


Later, they attended the Aidilfitri open house hosted by Sarawak Deputy Minister of Women, Childhood, and Community Wellbeing Development Datuk Rosey Yunus.

Among those present at Dr Ripin and Rosey’s Aidilfitri open house were Ministry of Transport Sarawak (MOTS) Dato Sri Lee Kim Shin, Deputy Minister of Public Health and Housing Sarawak Datuk Dr Penguang Manggil, and chief political secretary to the Sarawak Premier Fazzrudin Abdul Rahman, and other dignitaries.

Following that, Abang Johari and his wife then proceeded to visit the Aidilfitri open house hosted by Dato Usop Sani Wahap, Temenggong Datuk Abdul Rahman Fadzil, and Federal Deputy Health Minister Lukanisman Awang Sauni. — DayakDaily

Abang Johari (front row, fourth left), Juma’ani (front row, fourth right), Lee (front row, first left), Rosey (front row, third right), Penguang (back row, fifth right), and others during Rosey’s Aidilfitri open house today. Source: TVS/FB