Premier: Gedong Mini Isthmus to change devt landscape of district

Abang Johari (fifth left) handing over a compensation cheque to one of the 82 landowners for the Gedong Mini Isthmus project today (April 12, 2023). Photo credit: Jabatan Penerangan Negeri Sarawak

By Ling Hui and Chris Bishop

GEDONG, April 12: The proposed Gedong Mini Isthmus, which is a replica of the Kuching Isthmus, will change the development landscape of Gedong district.

Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg said Gedong would prosper once it is equipped with the necessary facilities such as roads, offices, accommodation, and townships, as well as the Gedong Mini Isthmus.


“This Isthmus (in Gedong) is actually quite the same as Kuching Isthmus, the one developed by (Sarawak Head of State) Tun (Pehin Sri Abdul) Taib Mahmud near the (Borneo) Convention Centre (Kuching).

“So, Kuching has its own Isthmus. We in Gedong cannot lose. We must have an Isthmus too,” said Abang Johari, who is also Gedong assemblyman.

Meanwhile, Samarahan Division Land and Survey Department superintendent Mohammad Zunica Mohamad Sapi’ee said the Gedong Mini Isthmus, when completed, can provide quality services including education, health, and commercial to local folks.

Other than opening up more job opportunities, he said the project would also bring about socio-economic development in Gedong.

“Here I would like to record thanks to the land owners and all residents of Gedong for their full cooperation and commitment during the land repossession process.

“Without your solid support, the process of reclaiming state lands would certainly be difficult and is expected to affect the implementation of the project.

“For sure, the Gedong Mini Isthmus will change the development landscape of Gedong district and its surrounding area in the future,” he said during the compensation cheque presentation ceremony held at Gedong community hall here today.

For this project, the Sarawak government compensated 82 landowners with 114 cheques totaling about RM5.2 million.

Among other dignitaries who were present for the ceremony were Minister for Utilities and Telecommunication Datuk Julaihi Narawi, former Gedong assemblyman Datuk Mohd Naroden Majais, Sarawak State Secretary Datuk Amar Mohamad Abu Bakar Marzuki, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Port Development Aidel Lariwoo, Simunjan assemblyman Awla Idris, Batang Sadong MP Rodiyah Sapiee, and Batang Lupar MP Mohamad Shafizan Kepli. — DayakDaily
