Postal voting ideal option but ineffective in rural Sarawak – Sng

Datuk Larry Sng

KUCHING, Nov 6: PKR Sarawak chairman Larry Sng opined that postal voting during elections to avoid Covid-19 risk is an ideal option but may not be effective in rural Sarawak.

The Parti Keadilan Rakyat Sarawak leader pointed out that he would not advocate for postal voting in Malaysia as there were many rural constituencies in Sarawak which the postal services do not service effectively.

“Mails are sometimes lost and there are cases of people receiving their letters months later,” he said in a statement today.


Sng raised this after watching the American Presidential election with much interest and observed the huge challenges in processing hundreds of thousands of mail-in votes in some states.

“Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, it is understandable that voters would prefer to mail-in their votes, instead of queuing long lines at the voting centres and risk contracting the virus.

“Such measures may work smoothly in the United States, however I would not advocate this in Malaysia,” he added.

As such, Sng hoped that the Election Commission (EC) would look into ways to improve the election process in Malaysia so that every voter can vote safely with a peace of mind amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. ā€” DayakDaily
