‘Police reporting system should be more public-friendly’

Voon Shiak Ni

KUCHING, Jan 4: A state Opposition leader has urged the police force to fully utilise their digitised reporting system to improve its efficiency for the convenience of complainants.

“The existing system for reporting accidents and crimes should be improved and be more people-friendly, so complainants do not have to travel to different police stations many times,” said PKR women national vice-chairwoman Voon Shiak Ni.

Referring to public complaints brought to her service centre, Voon said that a car accident complainant had to travel to the Padawan police station at 17th Mile many times, because of the current system.


She said that the complainant who only wanted to be known as Mr Ling, had gone to 3rd Mile, Penrissen Road police station to lodge a police report on a car accident, but was told to report it at the Padawan police station instead.

Mr Ling also had to return to the Padawan police station again for a duly signed copy of a police report for his insurance claim as the officer-in-charge was on duty.

“Why can’t the system be improved and be more people-friendly? Everything is digital now and it is the common call of the public for the system to be improved so that cases can be reported at the nearest police station to save time and cost,” Voon told reporters.

She said the efficiency of the police reporting system is paramount so that people would be more encouraged to lodge police reports; thus, the police force would have a more accurate picture of the actual crime and accident statistics.

“Public awareness on crime prevention is still considerably low. And to have different numbers for different areas will delay the response time for help to come.”

Hence, Voon hoped the police force could improve on its current reporting system, to save the public the hassle and time, and to serve as a positive campaign to encourage the public to come forward to cooperate with the police to curb crimes. — DayakDaily
