Pol sec proposes setting up border control post in Kpg Danau Melikin

Dato Sri Doris Sophia Brodie

KUCHING, Dec 27: A border control post should be built in Kampung Danau Melikin following the abduction of five Sarawakians by Indonesian soldiers on Dec 11, suggests Dato Sri Doris Brodie, a political secretary to the Chief Minister.

She argued that apart from allowing both sides to have better immigration control, the proposed post would also facilitate legitimate trade and tourism in the region.  

“I am glad that the incident was able to be amicably resolved by the relevant authorities. With that incident, I think it should prompt the construction of a border highway between the Sarawak and Kalimantan borders to create better accessibility. This is something worth pondering.  


“This, in my opinion, will also allow the enforcement and relevant authorities to have better security control along the border, too,” said Doris in a statement today.

The Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) Women chief opined that the authorities should be more forward thinking to better protect Malaysians. — DayakDaily
