PKR Betong chief deserves to be sued, says SUPP Youth


KUCHING, August 2: Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Youth wing supports Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas’ move to sue Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Betong chief Vernon Kedit for calling him a ‘liar and traitor’.

Its chief, Michael Tiang, claimed Vernon had gotten his facts wrong on several occasions and was scolded by the people, as a result.

“Vernon has got it all wrong twice. First, for making an unfounded and slanderous statement against Uggah with the aim of assassinating Uggah’s character in order to instigate hatred and distrust among the people towards the deputy chief minister.


“Secondly, as a slanderer, Vernon has no right to claim that the truth is on his side and he’s fighting for one. Instead, when he slandered, both the truth and the laws are against him,” said Tiang.

He urged Sarawakians to shun selfish politicians who cared not about morality and facts.

Yesterday, Uggah told DayakDaily that he resorted to taking legal action against Vernon because he was called ‘a liar’ and ‘a traitor’ by the latter.

He clarified that the lawsuit was not prompted by Vernon’s views on the native customary rights (NCR) land or other issues.

“He (Vernon) is misrepresenting and distorting the whole situation. I am taking legal action against him because he called me ‘liar’ and ‘traitor’. It is a personal attack that is libellous and slanderous,” Uggah asserted.

He said the Sarawak government was very liberal and willing to allow others to express their views on any issues. — DayakDaily
