Phase 2 of Jalan Baru Matang upgrading work at 15.21 per cent; targeted completion set for May 20, 2025

The construction of Phase 2 of Jalan Baru Matang, Kuching. Photo taken on Jan 16, 2024.

By Shikin Louis

KUCHING, Jan 16: The upgrading of 4.4km stretch of Jalan Baru Matang into dual carriageway from Matang Jaya to Batu Kawa-Matang Junction is progressing at 15.21 per cent ahead of its targeted completion of May 20, 2025.

Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Port Development (MIPD) Datuk Aidel Lariwoo said the physical progress is slightly behind schedule (against 16.17 per cent) but he believed that the contractor, Mirecont Sdn Bhd, will be able to catch up or be ahead of schedule by the end of this month.

Aidel (centre) and Fazzrudin (third right) listening to a briefing on Phase 2 of Jalan Baru Matang upgrading project at the site on Jan 16, 2024.

“This road project is very important in Kuching especially to the local folk of Matang Jaya and its surrounding areas because it involves the main route that is always busy.

“Therefore, the contractor together with the implementing agency—Sarawak Public Works Department (JKR)—are implementing a traffic management plan especially during peak hours in the morning, afternoon and evening.

“In the evening, from the E-mart Matang roundabout to here (Jalan Matang), it is very congested due to the construction of this road.

“However, the contractor has taken steps to ensure smooth traffic flow with temporary road furniture and warning signages have been installed perfectly to prevent accidents or congestion in this area,” he said during a visit to the site here today.

The project is the second phase of road upgrading involving Matang Jaya/Batu Kawa-Matang Junction.

With the contract value of RM54.59 million, Mirecont Sdn Bhd took over the project in late 2022 after the previous contractor left the sick project at nine per cent completion ever after the project commenced sometime in 2019.

Under the rescue contractor, the new construction period is from May 12, 2023 to May 20, 2025.

The project scope includes road widening from two-lane single carriageway to four-lane double carriageway at a total length of 4.4km; upgrading the existing junctions at Matang-Kopodim Junction and Matang-Batu Kawa Link; resurfacing the existing road; embankment treatment on soft ground; R.C culvert construction (17 new and 3 extensions); construction of proposed open channel drain, R.C open drain and proposed 0.45m-wide median drain; construction of new R.C Sg Maong Paroh Bridge No. 2 (21.4m); pavement works, road furniture and guardrail (traffic management); and relocation/protection of utility services.

The first phase which involved a 1km road stretch costing around RM4 million, started at the Datuk Temenggong Abang Kipali Abang Akip Roundabout up to E-Mart Matang area and has been completed.

Also present were Tupong assemblyman Fazzrudin Abdul Rahman and Mirecont Sdn Bhd managing director Sim Kwong Teck. — DayakDaily
