Petra Jaya MP spreads CNY cheer in Matang

Fadillah giving out CNY ang pows and oranges to an elderly man at the event.

By Nigel Edgar

KUCHING, Feb 1: Petra Jaya MP Dato Sri Fadillah Yusof today assured the Chinese community in Matang that the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) government is `colour blind’ and would help all communities, regardless of race and religion.

He said the GPS government had been focusing on preserving Sarawak’s cultures, where all Sarawakians could get together and work together to ensure the progress of Sarawak.


“This spirit of one (Sarawak) family is what we have to preserve and strengthen. We must preserve the harmony and mutual respect that we have now.

“We (GPS) are working hard to ensure the Sarawak Spirit is preserved. Like today, in conjunction with Chinese New Year (CNY), we came here not just during celebrations but also all the other times,” Fadillah said during a CNY walkabout at Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Sungai Tengah Multipurpose Hall in Matang here.

Fadillah speaking at the event.
Some 110 needy and elderly folk were at SUPP Sungai Tengah Multipurpose Hall in Matang here to receive ang pows and mandarin oranges from Fadillah and Fazzrudin.

During the walkabout, he and Tupong assemblyman Fazzrudin Abdul Rahman gave ang pows and mandarin oranges to 110 elderly and needy Chinese.

Fadillah said the state government, under the leadership of Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg, cared about everyone in the state.

This, he said, has been proven by a recent announcement that all Sarawakian students studying outside the state are eligible to claim their airfares when they come back to Sarawak for the holidays.

He said the amount claimable was RM300 twice a year (RM600 in total per year) per student.

“We, as your elected representatives, will continue to serve you at our best not just during festive seasons but also all the time as long as you give us the responsibility,” assured Fadillah. — DayakDaily
