Penguang’s wish for 2019: Baram becomes a division

Penguang (right) meeting with grassroots leaders from Marudi constituency.

MARUDI, Jan 5: Marudi assemblyman Datu Dr Penguang Manggil plans to get Baram to be elevated to a division to boost the infrastructure in all districts under its umbrella.

“One of the plans for 2019 is to elevate Baram to be the next division so that all districts will be entitled to more facilities and infrastructure,” he said at a meeting with local community leaders at Beluru Community Hall today.

Penguang said there were development plans for a multi-pronged approach to enable the people to lead better lives.


“We will try to uplift the livelihood of the people through minor rural project allocations, rural transformation projects, provision/upgrading of infrastructure connectivity (roads & ICT), water and electricity supply, schools and sports facilities, socio-economic infrastructure, houses of worships as well as ethical and spiritual development,” he said.

A gathering of Marudi grassroots leaders at Beluru Community Hall.
According to Penguang, grassroots leaders are the bridge between the people and government of the day.

On another matter, Penguang advised the grassroots leaders in his constituency to rally behind Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) to fight for Sarawak’s rights. He also urged them to solve all native customary rights (NCR) land issues through the proper channel.

“Let us rally behind GPS to fight for Sarawak rights, as only Sarawakians and Sarawak-based parties can determine our own destiny.

“Don’t be distracted by the politics of hatred, antagonism and divisions.

“There is every willingness from the Sarawak government to assist you in solving the current NCR land issues through proper channel i.e through local ADUN (assemblymen) and not through demonstrations, protests or undesignated NGOs who are there only during an election and for their own political agenda,” he said.

Penguang speaking to grassroots leaders of Marudi constituency.

Penguang also reminded those present to fully use the recently established N76 (Marudi Constituency) NCR Land Development Committee.

For 2019, Penguang, who is also Assistant Minister of Local Government, said the message he would like the grassroots leaders to convey to the constituents is — Sarawak First: Unity, Peace and Harmony.

At the gathering, he introduced Robert Ayu, the new political secretary to Chief Minister, and new Beluru district officer Albert Geling to those present.— DayakDaily
