‘PBDSB should mind its own business’


KUCHING, March 30: Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) Youth is telling Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak Baru (PBDSB) to back off from PRS’ party matters.

PRS Youth information chief Andy Lawrence said PBDSB did not have any knowledge of happenings within PRS and it was best for PBDSB to just focus on its own party matters.

“PBDSB, don’t be busybody for nothing! You do not know exactly what is going on in PRS, so you are not in the position to judge us.


“Focus on PBDSB. It will serve you better,” said Andy in a statement today.

He was asked to comment on the recent statement by PBDSB information chief Bobby William where Bobby accused PRS president Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing of breaking up Dayak unity by not re-nominating Lubok Antu incumbent Datuk William Nyallau Badak and Selangau incumbent Datuk Joseph Entulu Belaun who is also PRS deputy president, to stand in the upcoming 14th General Election (GE14).

Bobby in turn issued the statement in response to what Masing said in a local daily that after PRS moved its headquarters to the former premises of its mother party Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS) headquarters at Jalan Wan Alwi, which is the party had gone full circle and returned where it started.

Masing was also quoted as calling on all Dayaks, including the Dayak elected representatives to join PRS where he hoped PRS might be a platform for Dayak unity, like PBDS in its heyday.

“As usual, PBDSB was shocked and it panicked. So they start to rave and try to shoot down the idea.”

“In a previous statement, they condemned Entulu due to his lack of urgency towards legalisation of term “Dayak” but today, they said PRS is promoting disunity among its members because (PRS is) not renominating Entulu to stand in Selangau this coming GE14,” Andy pointed out.

He stressed that every organisation including political parties had its own consolidation and decision-making process, and outsiders should not criticise how things are done and should not be meddling with its internal affairs.

Meanwhile, Andy expressed his support for Masing, who is also Deputy Chief Minister.

“I concur with the party president on his statement to call all Dayak and Dayak representatives to stay united under PRS.”

“If the Dayak community wants to go far, we must walk together as a team. We have learned, and let’s move forward without keeping looking at the past anymore,” said Andy. — DayakDaily
