PBB Youth Wing provides aid to fire victims in Kampung Krusen Siu longhouse

Sufian (fourth right) presents the aid to a recipient.

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, July 19: Fire victims in Kampung Krusen Siu longhouse in Serian have received assistance from the Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) Youth Wing.

In a statement today, PBB Youth Wing announced that the aid was presented by PBB Youth secretary-general Sufian Mohat on behalf of the PBB committee members to the victims.


According to the statement, the fund was collected through a crowdfunding initiative from members of the PBB Youth committee recently.

A total of 43 victims including a person with disabilities received the aid.

On July 13, Kampung Krusen Siu longhouse was partially destroyed in an afternoon fire. – DayakDaily
