PBB Satok Education Bureau organises programme to help primary school students overcome pandemic learning loss

Dato Ibrahim Baki

KUCHING, Oct 1: The Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) Satok Education Bureau has organised a parenting and information programme to help primary school students whose learning process was affected due to the lack of physical class interaction during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Satok assemblyman Dato Ibrahim Baki said modules are introduced in the programme to help about 100 Primary 1 to 6 students to catch up with the syllabuses.

“During the Covid-19 pandemic, children could not attend physical classes, which affected their learning process.


“This is not only happening in Satok but also in other areas throughout Sarawak.

“The Education Bureau of PBB Satok branch has organised this programme to help the students,” he said in a statement today.

Ibrahim Baki was officiating at the Parenting and Information Programme for Parents at Yayasan Sarawak headquarters today.

Meanwhile, PBB Satok Education chairman Abdul Samat Ganu said the programme was implemented after gathering inputs on education issues during the last PBB Satok annual general meeting (AGM).

“During the last meeting, there were a few issues brought up by the delegates on education, and we have gathered several inputs to improve the education in Satok.

“So today, we have started this programme to brief the parents. For students in Stage 1 (Primary 1 to 3), we conducted intervention courses to help those still struggling with basic skills such as reading, writing, and counting.

“For Stage 2 (Primary 4 to 6), we will guide them in their homework and learning,” he said. — DayakDaily
