Pandikar Amin told to accept STAR as debate opponent, not run away

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KUCHING, Dec 2: Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia should not divert his challenge to debate the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) to Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg but should accept the challenge from State Reform Party Sarawak (STAR) instead since its president Lina Soo had answered Pandikar Amin’s call for a debate.

In a press statement today, Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak Baru (PBDSB) said it appeared that the Speaker is intentionally ignoring STAR for accepting his so-called open challenge.

PBDSB opined Pandikar Amin should not ‘chicken out’ from his open debate challenge which was officially accepted by Soo and called on the Speaker to not sidestep the issue by trying to challenge Abang Johari instead of debating with Soo.


“His ignorance to accept the challenge is giving the impression as though he is afraid that a lady president (Lina Soo) might humiliate him during the debate,” the party said.

“Pandikar should accept the STAR president’s acceptance to debate and not stir up propaganda with the Sarawak Chief Minister. Challenging the Chief Minister means indirectly, he is challenging all Sarawakians in general. Pandikar Amin should know he is not qualified to do so, being merely a Dewan Rakyat Speaker, to challenge the esteemed Chief Minister of Sarawak.

“Pandikar Amin is also bringing shame to Sabahans. As he must not forget that Sabahans too, are pursuing the same issue (rights under MA63) as well.”

PBDSB said the Speaker should know well enough not to stir up unnecessary sentiments if he is not well-versed in MA63 matters, what more challenge the Sarawak CM.

The party also called on the CM to take prompt action on the MA63 issue as it is not a subject which should be politicised but an urgent issue concerning the rights of every Sarawakian which need to be upheld.

“The matter has been delayed for 54 years, long enough, and actions need to be taken soon by CM and his team to resolve the matter, before more busybody people like Pandikar Amin uses such matters as political propaganda,” the party said. — DayakDaily
