O&G companies in Miri to set up Covid-19 treatment centres to curb virus transmission among workers

Kim Shin (second row, centre) chairs a meeting with O&G companies on Covid-19 positive cases among O&G workers on Oct 22, 2021.

MIRI, Oct 23: Oil and gas (O&G) companies in Miri have agreed to set up Covid-19 Low Risk Treatment Centres (PKRCs) for Category 1 and 2 patients to curb the spread of infection among workers.

According to a report by Sarawak Public Communications Unit (Ukas), Transport Minister cum Minister in Charge of Miri Divisional Disaster Management Committee (DDMC) Dato Sri Lee Kim Shin said these O&G companies will also manage and control their offshore workers.

“These measures are especially for those who are symptomatic and at high risk, by using RTK-Antigen test kit, isolation and quarantine methods.


“Assessment and tracking of exposures or close contacts will also be conducted on all off-shore and on-shore employees.

“Another effort is the preparation to set up PKRC with local hotels,” he said in a statement after chairing a virtual meeting with O&G industry companies in Miri Division yesterday (Oct 22).

Among the companies that participated in the meeting were Malaysia Petroleum Management (MPM), Petronas Sarawak, Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd, JX Nippon Oil & Gas Exploration (Malaysia) Limited, Sapura Energy Berhad, Petroleum Sarawak Berhad (Petronas), Dayang Enterprise Sdn Bhd and PTTEP Sarawak Oil Limited and departments and agencies under Miri DDMC.

Kim Shin who is also the Senadin assemblyman further said the implementation of the Phase 3 of National Recovery Plan (NRP) with relaxed entry restrictions into the O&G industry had resulted in positive Covid-19 cases among the workers.

“There are 50 positive cases a day in Miri coming from offshore workers with most in Category 1 (no symptom) and 2 (mild symptom).

Following that, MPM during the meeting had suggested internal prevention measures especially to O&G companies by giving a briefing on positive case management guidelines for Sign On and Sign Off crews and the establishment of PKRCs and Covid-19 Assessment Centers (CAC).

“All the results of this meeting will be presented to the Sarawak Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) to update the internal standard operating procedures (SOPs) of the O&G industry,” said Kim Shin. — DayakDaily
