Nyallau quits PSB, declares support for GPS


KUCHING, Nov 8: Former Lubok Antu MP Datuk William Nyallau Badak has quit Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) to support and work for greater Sarawak unity with Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS).

In a statement today, Nyallau confirmed that he has already handed in his resignation letter to the party’s secretary-general Baru Bian with a copy forwarded to its president Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh.

He said the reason for the decision was due to the result of the 2021 State Election which made him realise that Sarawakians are smart, preferred a strong team and were strongly supporting GPS as they saw the importance of unity for Sarawak to move forward.


“Following that, I have thus come to a conclusion that in order to protect our interest, unity of Sarawakians is of the utmost importance. Sarawak is only strong when Sarawakians are united as one. Sarawak should not be divided against itself. We must be united as one.

“I wish to re-emphasise that unity is strength. As such, I have decided to quit PSB to support GPS,” he explained.

With a heart for Sarawak and an open mind, Nyallau said, he hopes Sarawakians can come together as one and fully support and vote for GPS in the coming 15th General Election (GE15).

“Together, we can build a stronger Sarawak. Together, we can fight for our rights. Together, we can reclaim all that belongs to us, the people of Sarawak, all along; and move Sarawak to a brighter future,” he said.

Under the leadership of Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg and Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, Nyallau noted that GPS has been developing Sarawak well for the benefit of the Sarawak people.

Nyallau, who was two-term MP for Lubok Antu from 2008 to 2018, said he had wanted to continue serving the people in the constituency but before GE14 and due to some misunderstanding, was dropped as a candidate by his former party, Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS).

“The then president of my former party PRS, the late Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing dropped me and a few incumbent PRS MPs which eventually proved a mistake.

“Thus in order to continue to serve the people, I tried to get elected as a Batang Ai assemblyman during the 2021 State Election,” he added.

Nyallau failed to get elected in the last State election in a four-cornered fight. GPS’ Batang Ai assemblyman Datuk Malcolm Mussen Lamoh defended the seat with a 738-vote majority.

Nyallau had been in public office since 1973 as a Sarawak Administrative Officer in various places across Sarawak and later as am MP for P203 Lubok Antu for two terms from 2008 to 2018. — DayakDaily
