#NolongSiswa initiative reaches out to students affected by MoHE announcement

Dr Kelvin Yii speaking in Parliament (file picture).

KUCHING, Oct 7: The #NolongSiswa initiative started by DAP Sarawak has received an overwhelming response from Sarawakian students who are affected by the Ministry of Higher Education’s postponement of student intakes.

“Such last minute and vague announcement has led to a firestorm of criticism online against the ministry, including causing much inconvenience to our students as many of them had already made travel arrangements to their respective universities including purchasing flight tickets.

“Due to the need to help the students through this tough time, this initiative was launched as a platform where students can seek for help in terms of advice as well as financial aid either with the flight tickets back to Sarawak, or some pocket money to pay for food or temporary accommodations if needed in West Malaysia,” said Bandar Kuching MP Dr Kelvin Yii who added that the #NolongSiswa initiative was initiated by himself and Chong.


Dr Yii held that during such an unprecedented time of pandemic, the Education Ministry’s move has really affected the students especially the poor students of the B40 group.

“Until today we have received more than 150 applications from students all around Sarawak including Kuching, Bintulu, Sibu, Kota Samarahan, Kapit and others requesting for aid.They are all from different backgrounds and race and study in different public universities all around Malaysia.

“We sort through every applicant, contact them personally to request them to furnish documents for verification including a Student ID, university details, their flight itineraries, etc, just to make sure those students who really deserve it get the needed aid.

“Indeed, we discover some that ‘purposefully abuse it’ by requesting for aid but when we requested them to furnish necessary documents, they failed to do so. Some we found out are not even students,” said Dr Yii in a statement today.

He said despite of limited resources, DAP Sarawak will try its best to help as many as it can as a majority the fund for this aid is either from the elected representatives’ own pockets, or generous donations from public.

“The aid has already been disbursed into the bank accounts of the students by batches. We really hope that this small aid will help the students and their families through this tough time.

“We also call upon the Ministry to be clearer on their policies and not burden not just the students, but also their parents and families due to their flip-flop policy that has created a lot of confusion. These students are our country’s future and the Ministry should be decisive and proactive in formulating policies to mould them into and better their education, not to burden them even further,” said Dr Yii. — DayakDaily
