No federal funds for Indians in Sarawak so far despite “Keluarga Malaysia” concept, says DAP Stapok

Nethiyananthar Balalingam

KUCHING, Nov 10: Federal funds for local Indians in Sarawak have yet to be seen despite the highly touted Malaysian Family (‘Keluarga Malaysia’) and Caring Government (‘Kerajaan Prihatin’) concepts.

Democratic Action Party (DAP) Stapok branch chairman Nethiyananthar Balalingam said, according to his understanding, a working paper on the Indian community in Sarawak was sent to the Malaysian Indian Transformation Unit (MITRA) led by the Ministry of National Unity in November, 2019.

He said, however, there has neither been any follow-up nor assistance rendered to the local Indian community.


“The population of the Indian community in Sarawak is estimated to be 11,000 as of now. Kuching accounts for the highest number of Indians in Sarawak with a population of approximately 7,500,” he said in a statement today.

Nethiyananthar thus expressed hope that the RM145 million allocated for the Indian community under Budget 2022 announced on Oct 29, would see the light of day for those in Sarawak.

On another note, he said he would be holding further discussions with Stampin MP Chong Chieng Jen, who is also Sarawak DAP chairman, to seek his advice on the distribution of federal funds via the Ministry of National Unity. — DayakDaily
