New SUPP PCB chief vows to treat complainants professionally

Milton Foo (file photo)

By Ling Hui

KUCHING, June 16: Those who seek help from the Sarawak United Peoples’ Party Public Complaints Bureau (SUPP PCB) will be served on par as law firm clients, says its new chief Milton Foo.

Foo, who is a lawyer by profession, said he would deal with SUPP PCB’s pro bono cases with the same professional standard as he would provide for his law firm clients.


He said customer service would be his first priority to boost public confidence as he wants the people to feel SUPP PCB’s sincerity in offering help.

To provide more efficient and convincing public service, he shared a draft version of the ‘five-day follow-up’ Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that he had come up with days after he took over post.

He said the KPI is to ensure continuous progress on reported cases and to provide constant updates to the complainants, so that they are not kept in the dark.

“Our KPI will be the five-day follow-up, whereby a follow-up is mandatory five days after an issue is being reported to the relevant authorities.

“For example, if we do not get a response from a certain government agency or relevant department after five days, we will need to make a call to find out the progress of things.

“If there is a problem, we will identify it and proceed from there. Communication with complainants is important as well. I will get someone to constantly update the complainants with the latest progress.

“And the maximum (timeline) will be five days. We must provide an update in five days,” Foo told DayakDaily today.

When asked whether he would continue the ‘tradition’ of publishing one PCB press release per week which was initiated by his predecessor Kota Sentosa assemblyman Wilfred Yap, Foo said publicity would be secondary for him.

He said should the cases concern the general community such as the increasingly rampant unauthorised transaction fraud, it would call for more publicity to serve as warnings for others.

His prime concern remains serving the public responsibly and not to fool the people by passing the buck.

When asked about his thoughts on his new appointment, Foo, who is a former SUPP Youth secretary-general, said the only thing that has changed is his capacity.

“Ever since I joined politics seven years ago, I have been facing all kinds of people’s issues. I have been handling these issues all along.

“To me, it’s not really something new or different. Just that my title or position is slightly different now. Even before I was appointed the PCB chief, I was also doing the same thing,” he said.

Foo had contested in both the 2016 and 2021 Sarawak elections, for N10 Pending against Violet Yong, the incumbent from Sarawak Democratic Action Party (DAP). In the State elections last December, Yong eked out a close win against Foo with a slight majority of 540 votes. — DayakDaily
