New street lanterns at Padungan to herald in Chinese New Year

Wee (in blue shirt) distributing a packet of face mask cover to a couple who is eating at a coffee shop at Padungan road today. Screenshot taken from Wee’s Facebook live broadcast.

By Adrian Lim

KUCHING, Dec 5: The Kuching South City Council (MBKS) will replace the street lantern (tanglung) at Padungan road in conjunction with the upcoming Chinese New Year (CNY) festival.

MBKS Mayor Dato Wee Hong Seng said the council will replace the street lantern with new ones either at the end of December or January next year.


“We are going to replace the street lantern with new ones. We will ensure that the street lantern is properly installed. Some of the street lanterns have been installed for quite a number of years, “he said when replying to a shop owner during his walkabout with councilors at Padungan Road to distribute pocket face mask cover to the shops at Padungan road today.

Earlier, a shop owner has complained that some of the street lanterns which were hanging on the trees at Padungan road had fallen off at times.

He observed that the situation had endangered the life of motorists who were traveling on the road.

Thus, the owner said the street lantern had to be taken down first by the council before replacing it with new ones so that it will not pose a risk to the motorists and cars which passed by the road.

Wee added the council’s engineering department will also perform checking on the street lantern and ensure that the street lantern is installed and function properly. —DayakDaily
