New contractor appointed for Marudi Bridge project, assemblyman calls for completion in 24 months

(First row) Richard (right) handing over the project agreement to Ling.

By Lian Cheng

KUCHING, Sept 22: A new company has been appointed to take over the ‘sick project’ involving the Marudi Bridge, as Marudi assemblyman Datu Penguang Manggil is confident that it will be completed within 24 months.

The new contractor appointed is Syarikat Pekerjaan Piasau Konkerit Sdn Bhd.


Tan Sri Ling Chiong Ho represented the company to receive the project agreement letter from Sarawak Public Works Department Director Richard Tajan in the presence of Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg at Dewan Suarah Marudi today.

The project, which was implemented on January 2019 and was slated for completion on January this year is far behind scheduled, leading to a change of contractor.

Penguang during the ceremony said it has been a disappointment that the project has yet to be completed after such a long time.

“I believe the new contractor will be able to deliver what the people are expecting in one or two years’ time,” said Penguang, who called on Ling to complete the project within 24 months, instead of 36 months, which was the completion time for the previous contractor.

He said the Marudi Bridge has been a project the people of the area have been waiting for, and urged for it to be delivered in the shortest time possible.

Meanwhile, he said since he had become the elected representative for Marudi constituency, he had tried his best to bring about development projects and allocations to the Marudi and Baram area, citing the Miri-Marudi, Marudi-Mulu (Kuala Melinau) and Long Panai-Long Lama road project.

In terms of utilities, he said there was also improvement in treated water and electricity coverage, and for facilities, he said there was the construction of civic centre, stadium and other infrastructure.

Also present were Infrastructure and Port Development Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas who is also Deputy Premier, Baram MP Anyi Ngau and State Secretary Abu Bakar Marzuki. — DayakDaily
