‘NCR protests useless if not backed with votes’

Voon Shiak Ni

KUCHING, Dec 21: Sarawakians embroiled in native customary rights (NCR) land issues should vote to get their voices heard, stressed PKR national women vice-chief Voon Shiak Ni.

Frustrated over the never-ending NCR land disputes, Voon said that rallies are futile if landowners do not vote for change.

“It is not easy to be in the opposition to keep pressuring the government.


“We are also tired, like the NCR issue, there is no need for endless protests, to go to the streets from KL to Sarawak if they don’t vote,” she told a press conference yesterday.

She said that if the landowners were to vote for change, the NCR issue would have been settled a long time ago, as it is PKR’s policy to recognise native lands, like the Selangor government recognising Orang Asli land.

Instead, she said landowners are now asked to wait on the issue pending the state government coming up with a solution to amend the state Land Code.

Voon thus urged those eligible to register themselves as voters and to vote this coming general election.

“Don’t be a keyboard warrior, using social media to vent dissatisfaction about the rising cost of living, the petrol price hike, the weakening of the ringgit, the wastages and leakages of our public funds …”

She urged Sarawakians not satisfied with the present state of affairs to do something and cast their vote, instead of living with frustration and anger which will not solve the problem.

Shocked at the figure that some 500,000 of eligible Sarawakians have yet to register as voters, Voon hoped that these Sarawakians can make an effort to register as voters.

“If you are concerned about the state of affairs of your country and how it can affect your daily lives and the future of your children, do make an effort to register as a voter.”

She also highlighted the ongoing voter registration drive by Rise of Sarawakian Efforts (ROSE) and hoped more people will come forward and register as voters. — DayakDaily
