Nancy to Baru: Work harder for Sarawak

Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri

KUCHING, Dec 22:  Batang Sadong MP Dato Sri Nancy Shukri has urged Works Minister Baru Bian to play an effective part in representing Sarawak in the federal cabinet.

She said the recent announcement by Baru that the three bridges over Batang Lupar, Batang Rambungan and Batang Igan had been shelved by the federal government was disappointing.

“Certainly, the news from the Works Minister had disappointed those who are affected.


“I urge the Works Minister to be more effective in playing the role of representing Sarawakians in the federal government,” said Nancy in a statement today.

Baru, who is also Selangau MP and Ba’Kelalan assemblyman, announced during a visit to Mukah recently that the building of these three bridges had been shelved by the PH-led federal government.

Nancy said Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg had stated in the 2019 state budget that Sarawak would take over the bridge projects if the federal government could not afford them.

“Baru, as a minister from the rural area, should know how important these bridges are in facilitating rural people in commuting from one place to another.

“We, in Sarawak, rely heavily on riverine transportation. It is time for Sarawak to build more bridges to save travel time in rural areas.

“It is also time for the federal government to fulfil their pledge to carry out responsibilities under the Concurrent List in the Federal Constitution to develop Sarawak, as stated by the Prime Minister (Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad), where Sàrawak and Sabah are ‘equal partners’ with Peninsular Malaysia.”

Nancy said despite the fact that Sarawak had been enjoying a sound financial status, it did not mean that the federal government could let go of its responsibilities towards the state.

“As an equal partner, Sarawak is entitled to be developed within the Federation of Malaysia.

“In this case, the bridges are the essential infrastructure that will bring about development to the affected rural areas and bring conveniences to the daily living of those staying in the affected areas.” — DayakDaily
