#MyMudah to reduce RM10b compliance costs reduction in public sector

Awang Tengah (centre in the frame) represents Abang Johari in launching the #MyMudah

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, Nov 20: The government aims to achieve 25 per cent or equivalent to RM10 billion reduction in compliance costs in the public sector through Malaysia Mudah or #MyMudah initiative which was launched today.

Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg pointed out that the main objective of #MyMudah was to assist the industry and business operators to overcome bureaucratic regulations and to reduce the compliance costs applicable to companies and businesses.


“#MyMudah is one of the non-fiscal initiatives to support the economic recovery by reducing the unnecessary regulatory burdens which hinders business growth amid Covid-19 crisis,” he said in his text of speech read by his Deputy Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan before launching the #MyMudah via Zoom today.

#MyMudah is implemented by Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC) Sarawak in collaboration with the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) Sarawak.

Among the issues that have been resolved under #MyMudah initiatives include issuance of export permit for floriculture products and processed, issuance of ‘Clearance Letter’ by technical agencies regarding the Certificate Of Completions and Compliance (CCC), poultry license issues related to the construction of modern (closed) poultry farming, and relaxation of regulatory requirements for licensed operators in the tourism industry.

The #MyMudah aims to assist the industry and business operators to overcome bureaucratic regulations and to reduce the compliance costs

Abang Johari emphasised that the government recognised the important role to facilitate the post-Covid-19 recovery in the state and as such, had formed the Sarawak Economic Council (SEAC) to facilitate the rebound of the state economy with focus on 12 key sectors.

“The Sarawak government will be fast-tracking the development in digital transformation and innovation in the next years as part of initiatives developed under SEAC.

“The bold initiative will boost our economic competitiveness and lay the foundation for Sarawak to become an attractive investment destination in the region,” he said.

At the same time, he added that the Sarawak government is also putting in place ecosystems and business friendly policies that will encourage and promote new quality investments and across all economic sectors in Sarawak.

Abang Johari thus urged industry players and business operators to take the opportunity of the virtual event to raise their difficulties and issues in doing business with MPC and Unified Public Consultation (UPC) which collects public feedback on the performance of the existing regulations and establishment of new regulations.

MPC director-general Dato Abdul Latif Abu Seman, MPC Sarawak Region Office director Sarimah Misman, EPU Sarawak director Assoc Prof Dr Muhammad Abdullah Zaidel were among those present. — DayakDaily
