Murum rep: Urgent need for RM3 mln emergency funds for timber road repairs

Kennedy Chukpai Ugon

KUCHING, Nov 23: Murum assemblyman Kennedy Chukpai Ugon requests the government to make special provisions of RM3 million in each Public Works Department (JKR) Division or at the District Office as an emergency fund.

The fund, he said, should serve as a preparatory measure for any emergency cases especially when timber roads are cut off, so that responsible government agencies may use it to repair the damaged road as soon as possible to provide access to the people before these timber roads are fully upgraded.

“I have great hope that the government will give immediate attention to this matter for the people in the inland areas, especially in Murum constituency, so that they may enjoy safe and comfortable road facilities like other places in Sarawak,” he said this during his Budget 2024 speech at the State Legislative Assembly (DUN) in the DUN Complex today.


He explained that his constituency needs such funding as his Minor Rural Project and Rural Transformation Project funding for his constituency was limited and were insufficient to cover road repairs.

“Villagers living along the road have to work together to repair the road as there is no allocation,” he lamented.

Chukpai also sought clarification from the Ministry of Infrastructure (MIPD), JKR, and all agencies responsible on the status of applications and the initiatives on the upgrading of old timber roads — DayakDaily
