MPKS chairman warns contractors: No appeal, no leniency for poor performance, public complaints

Minos (front row, sixth left) in a photo with MPKS staff and contractors at the end of the briefing at the Council's headquarters on Feb 28, 2024.

KUCHING, Feb 28: Kota Samarahan Municipal Council (MPKS) has warned that it will not entertain any appeals from contractors undertaking grass cutting and drainage maintenance projects once they have been blacklisted for poor performance.

MPKS chairman Dato Peter Minos emphasised that contractors should be well informed of the project’s requirements, including job scopes, designated areas for maintenance, work schedules, expected quality standards and other terms and conditions.

“MPKS cannot tolerate any more instances of substandard or sloppy work leading to public complaints. We have had enough of that,” he warned in a statement today after a full briefing for contractors today.


He outlined that contractors would receive three warnings for both minor three warnings and major complaints.

“Failure to address these issues would result in contract termination, and negligent contractors will be blacklisted,” he said.

Minos further stated that contractors exhibiting consistent good performance and no public complaints would be considered for contract renewal on a yearly basis.

“Just do a good job and the council will ensure prompt payment in accordance with the agreement,” he said. — DayakDaily
