MP challenges opposition lawmakers to declare their assets

Dr Kelvin Yii

KUCHING, Sept 20: Bandar Kuching MP Dr Kelvin Yii is challenging opposition lawmakers, including Umno president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and those from Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS), to declare their assets in the spirit of transparency and accountability to the Malaysian public.

Dr Yii delivered this challenge following the recent announcement by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to present the declaration of assets and properties of cabinet members and parliamentarians on the commission’s portal this Oct 1.

“I am already in the process of declaring my assets. It is a positive step towards the anti-corruption reforms that was promised by the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government to curb the spread of corruption, especially among elected leaders.


“It is also to increase the transparency and trust of the public administration to prevent conflict of interest, illicit enrichment and false accusation of their wealth. Studies show that an asset declaration open to public scrutiny helps to ensure leaders do not abuse their power for personal gain,” he said in a statement today.

In calling on parliamentarians from GPS to do so, Dr Yii said, “GPS has constantly claimed to be PH-friendly and will support policies that are in the interest of Sarawak. Asset declaration and anti-corruption reforms are an important part to uphold the interest of Sarawak,” he opined.

He hoped that with the initial step of the declaration, a proper asset-profiling system would also be introduced to determine how much assets a person was expected to have based on their position, years of service and their present and past emoluments.

This, he added, would be important for forensic accounting experts and investigators to monitor periodically so that the accumulation of assets based on years of service would be reasonable and not excessive.

“We, Sarawakians, have suffered and been left behind in many aspects in the state due to corruption and abuse of powers by even our local leaders. Thus, such anti-corruption reforms are not just essential but clearly for the interest of the people of Sarawak,” said Dr Yii. — DayakDaily
